Friday, October 19, 2012

Giants, Ravens, and Being Part of Something

Eli Manning
I talked about my favorite baseball team last week and because their season is now over, I can talk about my favorite football team.
I have been a Giants fan for as long as I can remember. I have always been asked why I was a Giants fan when I live near D.C. and a lot of people think I only like them because they are a good football team. I really am a Giants fan because my dad grew up in New Jersey in an area where almost everyone commutes to New York to work. He was a Giants fan and I have followed him. It also helps that the Giants have won the Super Bowl twice that I can remember and have a lot of star players on their team. My whole family on my dad's side are Giants
fans and when we visit them in Jersey I can talk football. I am also a Ravens fan too because of my Mom's family.
Ravens Logo
The Ravens are more of my backup team but I really love Baltimore and root the Ravens. I really get into the NFL season even though I have never myself been interested in playing football because I am way to weak to do so. I watch football almost every Sunday and try to get all of my homework done before Sunday so that I can watch my teams play every week.
When I found out that the Super Bowl was on my birthday this year I was ecstatic that only happens every four years and it is always something special. The last time the Super Bowl was on my birthday was fifth grade and the Giants came back to win in the final minutes of the game.
Tom Coughlin after the 2007 Win
Having the Super Bowl on my birthday this year will be like an additional present if one of my teams makes it. I know that what I just wrote sounds a bit strange and sounds like I am obsessive in football. I really am not obsessive I just like the feeling of rooting for a team and knowing that you support something that's bigger than yourself. This may sound cornball, but it's true. Once in a while whether it be sports or the presidential election it is fun to root for someone or something. It gives you a break from everyday life and can ad excitement you do not always have. If one of my teams wins the Bowl or Obama wins the election it gives you a sense of pride that you were a part of something. So whether it be sports or the election we should all find something to root for. It makes us a part of something bigger and opens up our inner competitiveness that we try to keep down the rest of the year. Being a part of something can give people a whole new personality.

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